Monday, August 2, 2010

playtime is over

drumline camp last week was an amazing success. our show is stinkin' amazing even though it only took us a week to get it to look mediocre. we had lots of laughs, lots of ninja games, lots of star stretching, and of course, lots of making fun of the cheerleaders and then getting lectures about why we should be nicer to them. following such a lovely/traumatic/painful week, i had girls weekend con mi madre. we painted at open studio at a local studio called ARTichokes. we went to the spa and got pedicures and a massage. the massage was nice but very weird, not sure if i would do it again...then we watched sleepless in seattle. i came back to my dad's house and came to realazation that, playtime is over. i still need to finish my summer reading, i've convinced myself that i will not wait till the last minute to finish, but this books are BAD. i mean one is about a guy who kills his father, who was king, marries his mother, and doesn't even know it. then tries to avenge the former kings death and comes to trealize he killed the king aka his father. i mean, who wants to read that! then i have the odysey to read, oh joy. i also realized while checking my email that drumline will soon be into full swing, and i will no longer have a life, thank you miss tyler. lastly, i realizied that school starts really soon, and that sucks. i wish i was at kamp, when playtime, is all the time.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

band tent hut! oi!

this is the blue devils, they are a professional drumline

drumline camp has been an amazing load of fun. we have marched (a lot) auditioned (3rd bass drum yay!) practiced, and stood at attention for an ungodly amount of time. standing at the "set" position is the most uncomfortable thing in the world. shoulders back, stand up straight, feet at a 45 degree angle, sticks on the side of the drum, standing aprox. 3 inches above the drum, head at a 45 degree angle, and you just stare. Punishment for not holding the position? push-ups. i'm not sure what they do in england (our band director is british) but i think you can be sued for that in america. that doesn't sound like a lot of fun, and it isn't. the fun part is playing sock wars, having water balloon fights, quoting a very potter musical, and laughing, a lot.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

the sound of drums

don't google drumline, our line is way more legit than that. we wear cargo pants and t-shirts that say "this is how we roll" on them, like i said, legit.

yay! this week is drumline camp! this week will be full of fun, hard work, sweat, brit jokes, and i'm sure a lot of sarcastic humor. i am trying out for bass drum, which i am super stoked about, but also really nervous. miss tyler said she will be bringing her golf clubs to camp, i don't think she will be hitting balls though. if mr. k is there we are probably in for a good round of dirty humor, followed by a prayer, and a lot of marching. i'm just glad i won't be marching in my skirt.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bye Bye Summer!

thanks to my little brothers nanny i have more recently lost my entire summer...i think i'm gonna cry. she decided to quit, whatever happened to 2 weeks notice? currently, after finished the dishwasher, changing sheets, vacuuming, and cleaning out my brothers pigsty (aka room, i am waiting for laundry to get done, so i can go fold it. if i had to lose my summer, i was kinda hoping it would be to a job, so i can pay for kamp next year. oh well life happens...but i'm not gonna lie, this sucks.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dave is my new boyfriend

i went to go see despicable me for the second time today. i generally frown upon those who cannot wait to go see a movie again until it comes out on dvd, but i had to do it. the first time i went to go see it i made 7 trips to the bathroom with my younger it made a little more since this time. my favorite part of the movie, the minions! they are fluffy, little cylidrical yellow things with goggles and legs. they wear overalls and speak in total and complete giberish (one thing we hold in common) my favorite, dave, he is impatient and accidentaly fires a missile while gru is giving a talk, he also gets punched by another minion. good movie, nope, great movie, oh yeah

Monday, July 12, 2010

no more excuses

ok, so maybe i haven't posted for a while, maybe i have a brazillion excuses as to why. but do you care? i doubt it. so this is the lowdown on what has been up with me.
So, July 1st - I didn't do anything, surprising
July 2nd - Nada dudes
July 3rd - Drivers ed, joyous as always, learned to turn around like a billion different way and probably used at least 30 driveways, went to "the b" aka our neighbors flake (that's farm with a lake) and the boys shot off bottle rockets, and smoke bombs, and rigged nerf guns to shoot farther and hurt people, typical. girls went swimming in the lake, which is really more of a glorified pond. we stayed there until we saw a water snake. then, of course, there was high pitched screaming followed by the boys blowing it out of its hole with a firework, then blew it to smithereens. good times
July 4th-had a mini-party at our house, had our neighbors over, fireworks got canceled, went to see "grown ups" instead
July 5th - my dad and denise had the day off so we just chilled at home
July 6th - driver ed, parallel parking, always a great time
July 7th-...idk
July 8th- finished drivers ed, YAY!
July 9th - spent the night with an old friend, love her!
July 10th- Harrison's birthdays
July 11th - My puppy's birthday and my great grandma's birthday, went to youth group and found out that the KAA service trip I was going on might not happen because not enough people signed up...i wanna cry
Other highlights-finished month 1 of victors crown!
blah blah, i'm a lazy person...doesn't post often, whatever...the end

Thursday, July 8, 2010

oops, my bad

i accidentally forgot to publish anything for like a super long time. probably cuz i haven't done anything recently. i finished drivers ed today, and i think i lost phone in their car. so if i don't find it by tonight i will be calling buggin' and cruisin' driving school to see if i can retrieve my cell phone. i spent the weekend with my daddy-o which is really fun. we didn't do much, but it is always fun to spend time with that side of the family. i'm still not doin' much so, that's it